Monday, May 2, 2011

Happy Monday folks

 How has your weekend been?  

Royal wedding on Friday n YAY I booked my tickets to India - going on the 15th June :-) for 5 weeks,  grilling on Saturday at Anna’s place and ended with my favorite Sunday walk. Woke up to a early morning call  where my friend G was eager to share the news - that Osama was taken. Congrats USA and all other nations that took him to task.

Anna has a house just at the brink of the forest and what a lovely setting


Spring unfolding

 First colors

Have a fun and fantastic week ahead.


  1. that's a setting to die for! i love the way the decor blends in with lucky gal! :)

  2. ooh lovely! trip on the horizon....lucky you!

  3. whoa! is this home straight from the magazine or what?

  4. What a lovely outdoor space. India trip.....what fun!!

  5. nice blog with smart info..keep it up dear..

  6. thats such a gorgeous.. gorgeous.. stunning place!!

    How long will you be going to India for??
